
Do or Don’t For Healthy Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy

Being a parent is the most amazing experience of life. Many females start pregnancy planning before conception; they start making healthier lifestyle choices and begin working towards a healthy weight. The healthy eating habit and little physical activity really help you to stay fit and fine during the journey of pregnancy. Not just that, it will also assist you to have a healthy baby. If you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy, it is advisable to first meet the best gynecologist in your area. Your Gynecologist will suggest the best diet plan and exercises to stay well during and post-pregnancy period.

Here is the list of some Do’s and Don’ts that help you to stay healthy during gestation period.

The Do’s for Healthy Pregnancy

Hormones fluctuation is normal during pregnancy. You may feel anxious and depressed due to hormone changes. It is vital to sleep at least 8- 9 hours a day during pregnancy otherwise, you may have to face many complications at the time of delivery.  Optimum sleep maintains the hormone level and gives you peace of mind too. Go to bed on time at night, and don’t hesitate to take a nap whenever you feel tired.

Meditation is the best way to handle mental and physical strain during pregnancy.  Early morning hours are best for practicing yoga and meditation. It strengthens your immunity and keeps negative thoughts away. Meditation is also very beneficial to prevent mood fluctuations.

Vegetables and fruits are full of vital nutrients like vitamins, fiber, potassium, etc. Including different types of vegetables and fruits in your daily diet will help you stay healthy and keeps you away from constipation. Apple, berries, watermelon, orange, and kiwi are the best fruits to eat while expecting.

During pregnancy, the female’s body needs more nutrients than usual. To fulfill such high nutritional demands, women need to take dietary supplements. Generally, the best gynecologist prescribes Folic acid, iron, and calcium to the pregnant lady. These supplements decrease the chances of preterm birth and promote the expecting mother and newborn well-being.

Prenatal care is vital. For a healthy and happy pregnancy, women must visit and consult the best gynecologist. They are specialized in the area of pregnancy care and childbirth. A gynecologist gives you the best advice on a healthy lifestyle and maintains preconception health.

Being a mother is a completely new experience. The journey of pregnancy is full of happiness, excitement, and stress. It is important to take prenatal classes to learn how to cope with stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Moreover, by attending antenatal classes, you will also get to know about the chemicals and activities that can be problematic while pregnant.

The Don’t for Healthy Pregnancy

Alcohol is not good for both the baby and the mother. Alcohol exposure has a plethora of consequences. First, alcohol consumption reduces the birth weight of your child. Second, it risks the chances of miscarriage, and third, it can lead to premature delivery.

The physicians always advise staying active during the gestation period. Sitting or laying down for long hours can affect the baby’s growth and the mother as well. According to the researchers, lots of sitting can develop depression in the expecting-lady and increase the risk of gestational diabetes.

Avoid unhealthy snacking during the gestational period. Processed and junk foods contain preservatives and chemicals that can make you obese and increase blood pressure. And the high BP or hypertension may result in various birth-defects in the infant.

According to the World Health Organisation, pregnant women should not consume more than 300 milligrams of caffeine a day. Excessive caffeine consumption is harmful to the development of embryos. Therefore, it would be better to limit the cup of tea or coffee between 1 to 2 a day.

Read More: 7 proven tips to keep heart healthy

The Bottom Line -:

The above Do’s & Don’ts will surely help you to be happy, health, and fit during pregnancy.

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