
What Effects Can Covid-19 Have on Your Lungs?


As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads across the world, it’s essential to consider how the virus spreads and what it does to people. The coronavirus group includes the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Symptoms) viruses.

If you or anyone from your family are experiencing symptoms related to Covid-19, please seek the nearest Covid-19 hospital to get yourself treated as soon as possible!

The strain that causes the common cold and flu belongs to the Coronavirus family. Here’s how coronavirus can damage your lungs, as well as what you can do about it.

What Effect Does COVID-19 Have on the Lungs?

Coronavirus can cause flu-like effects in the upper respiratory system (nose, sinuses, and throat) and cough with or without mucus and trouble breathing in the lower respiratory system (airways and lungs).

COVID-19 will cause pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome if it is severe (ARDS). It is essential to seek coronavirus treatment if you’re experiencing severe breathing problems.

Infection of The Upper Respiratory Tract!

Nasal cough, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, achy muscles, and headache are common signs of respiratory infections in the nose, sinuses, and throat. Cough, diarrhoea, fever, shortness of breath, lack of smell and taste, and tiredness are signs of a Coronavirus Upper Respiratory Infection.

Various treatment for covid-19 is available at several covid hospitals to get yourself treated at the earliest!

Lower Infection in the Respiratory System!

COVID-19 respiratory infections in the lungs can cause a severe cough with mucus, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing as you exhale, among other symptoms.

Pneumonia Due To COVID-19!

In pneumonia, the lungs get inflamed and filled with blood, causing respiratory problems. Breathing issues with some patients may become so severe that they need Covid-19 treatment with oxygen or even a ventilator.

Pneumonia caused by COVID-19 continues to spread to both lungs. Shortness of breath, cough and other symptoms result as air sacs in the lungs fill with blood, restricting their capacity to take in oxygen.

Although most people recover from pneumonia without any long-term effects on their lungs, pneumonia caused by COVID-19 can be severe. And after the illness has passed, lung damage can cause respiratory problems that take months to resolve.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) is a life-threatening condition. That is an illness or trauma-related damage to the lungs. Fluid leaks into the lungs as a result of ARDS.

This makes breathing very painful and results in a substantial loss of oxygen in the bloodstream. The brain, organs, and body tissues are all harmed by a loss of oxygen.

The majority of individuals who grow ARDS are now hospitalised. Oxygen therapy is used as part of the treatment for covid-19 to ensure that the blood and lungs have adequate oxygen to survive properly. You may be placed on a mechanical ventilator to help you breathe.

To avoid agitation and shortness of breath, pain management and sedation are often used. To prevent a build-up in the lungs, fluids are handled as a part of a coronavirus treatment.

An extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) system may be used in acute cases to oxygenate the blood outside the body as the body battles the infection and heals itself.

Severe illness from COVID-19 is often followed by post-critical illness syndrome (PCIS). Weakness, nausea, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and persistent shortness of breath are also possible outcomes.

To help ARDS patients regain resilience, pulmonary therapy is used as part of a recovery strategy for PCIS.

Due To ARDS!

Covid-19 has a strong effect on the lungs, disrupting the alveoli (tiny air sacs). The alveolus’ job is to transport oxygen to the blood vessels.

The oxygen is delivered to the RBCs by these blood vessels or capillaries (Red blood cells). RBCs are responsible for providing oxygen to all of the body’s internal organs. The covid hospitals provide ultimate care to those who suffer from ARDS and other respiratory diseases related to Covid-19.

The infection causes damage to the alveolus and capillary walls and linings. Damaged waste, such as plasma protein accumulates on the alveolus surface, thickening the lining. The flow of oxygen to the red blood cells is hampered as the walls thicken.

The heavier the wall becomes, the more impossible it is to pass oxygen to red blood cells, resulting in respiratory difficulties when the body runs out of oxygen.

Also, a loss of blood to the internal organs causes a deficit in the body, impairs organ function. The body is fighting to maximise oxygen consumption at this stage.

And the body’s first reaction is to kill the virus to keep it from replicating; however, if the human has weakened immunity, the body cannot do so, exacerbating the crisis.

How Can Doctors Detect the Onset of ARDS in People Afflicted with Covid-19?

Doctors in Covid-19 hospital uses a few primary markers to determine the onset and seriousness of ARDS in infected people:

What Are the Post Remedies To Look After Your Lungs?

Even in moments like this, adopting healthy practices will help you improve your lung health. Here are few suggestions for keeping the lungs in good shape:

1. Exercise:

Improving the integrity of the lungs requires regular physical exercise. As a healthy measure for the rest of the body, exercise will keep your lungs in good condition. Exercise strengthens the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise that helps you breathe faster is advised daily. To keep some lung distress at bay, it is advised that adults have at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day – 60 minutes for men.

2. Deep Breathing:

Deep Breathing may be beneficial to your lungs, even for just a few minutes. It aids in the clearing of the lungs as well as a complete oxygen exchange. It is an essential covid-19 treatment! A small study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology showed that doing deep breathing exercises for 2 to 5 minutes increased vital energy, which is the maximum air volume a person will remove from the lungs after a full inhalation.

Similarly, the American Lung Association agrees that deep breathing techniques will improve the efficiency of your lungs. Deep breathing exercises can also help to relieve tension and anxiety.

3. Eat Healthily:

A well-balanced diet will keep you safe and fit while also helping you avoid infections. Your effects would be better controlled if you eat well. To keep you and your lungs safe, eat a well-balanced diet that includes five main food classes.

Fruits and vegetables, starchy carbs, calcium, dairy foods, and oils can all be included in your diet to guarantee that you have all of the nutrition you need to remain balanced and active.

4. Don’t Smoke or Stop Whether You Are a Smoker:

Smoking is related to most respiratory diseases, including asthma which COPD, and raises lung cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), results shows that smoking is related to elevated disease and mortality in COVID-19 patients hospitalized.

Final Thoughts!

To prevent infection with the novel coronavirus, you should maintain good hygiene.  Good practices and following recommendations, on the other hand, will keep your lungs healthy and reduce the chance of infection.

I hope this article was helpful to you, and now you will follow all the above guidelines as a part of the Covid-19 treatment to keep yourself healthy!


Aadarsh Sharma is closely associated with Pranayam Lung and Heart Institute. He is also a fitness expert and is passionate about writing to educate. He is an avid reader and likes to share his thoughts on healthy habits through his highly informative blogs.

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