
10 Best Foods that You Should Eat for Weight Loss, Energy and Health

Many foods are good for health and help in weight loss, but it’s important to know that maintaining health and losing weight can happen only when you maintain a proper diet. Taking a proper diet with proper food is very necessary as it impacts our overall health. When you’re choosing the best food options selecting nutritious rich food is the best choice.

Having nutritious and healthy food helps in balancing our lifestyle. In this article, we’re going to find out the foods that are known for their ability to help in weight loss, and health and provide sustainable energy. From vegetables to meat, fruits to nuts, grains to seafood, we will discuss the best 10 foods that make your body full of vitamins, minerals and other compounds that are beneficial for weight loss and good health. Let’s see what are the top 10 foods that everyone must incorporate into their diet.

Chia seeds

So the first on our list is chia seeds which help majorly in weight loss and good health. If you look at the nutrition stats of Chia seeds they are loaded with healthy fats they have omega-3 fatty acids those good Omega-3s that are good for your heart and your brain. For weight loss and insulin sensitivity, they’re loaded with fibre and protein and they’re so versatile. Here’s how you can incorporate these if you make protein shakes or smoothies you can add a couple of tablespoons of these into your smoothie and let it sit for a little bit in whatever kind of water or almond milk or whatever you have in there to let it gel up and eat these things.

One of the cool things about chia seeds is when they’re soaking they form a gel and when that gel gets into your stomach it keeps you full longer. So these things are like a calorie hack that keeps you full of good nutrients and lots of good fibre. Another way is you can make chia pudding, by pouring some chia seeds into a jar filling it with some coconut milk and then putting a couple of drops of stevia and it forms a delicious pudding. You can even have it as dessert and so many ways to get these into your life get more chia seeds and it’ll help you lose weight.

High-quality eggs

The second on the list are eggs. Eggs are so misunderstood because a lot of us were brought up thinking that eggs were terrible for our cholesterol levels, we’re going to hurt our health and that was a part of that low-fat movement. Thankfully we’ve kind of moved past and we have the research that if you’re having a couple of eggs for breakfast anywhere from one to three it can help your heart health. Because eggs are nutrient powerhouses the white has all the protein as you may know, but the yolk is the really powerful part it is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins D, A, E, & K. It also has a really powerful nutrient called choline it’s one of the highest sources in the world of choline and choline works in your brain to get you smarter and better.

People who eat eggs have better cholesterol patterns they have these fluffier LDL cholesterols that are better for heart health. They’re also good for your immune system and for people who want to build muscle the whole egg the egg yolk and the egg white together give better muscle-building benefits. Because there’s a synergistic effect of these high-quality eggs which means it is ideally pasture-raised this means that the henna’s open outdoor space.


The third on the list is the mighty avocado which is best for weight loss and is an amazing health food. It is technically a fruit which is cool but people think of it as a vegetable what I love about it is you can have this with all sorts like you can add avocado to your meal.  Avocado is loaded with lots of healthy fats, we know these fats are super good for our heart health, our joints and our energy levels. It has fibre and protein and there was recently a new study published specifically for weight loss that shows that avocados have a special nutrient that researchers are calling Avocado B. So avocado B is super cool because it helps regulate blood sugar levels and increases insulin sensitivity which makes all of your meals better. If you have a meal that’s normally going to spike your blood sugar you add an avocado in there it smooths everything out and gives you sustained energy. You can have a small avocado and the whole thing has around 20 grams of fat. If you have a protein serving for dinner like fish, chicken, steak whatever add some avocado and you can have a salad, slice some avocado up and put it on there.

Green Tip bananas

The fourth on the list is Bananas which are so misunderstood, you know that bananas and they’re complicated fruits because they go through this profound ageing process right in front of our eyes? When a banana starts it’s very green and then as it ripens up it starts to get more yellow and it eventually gets spotty and it eventually gets so mottled and moulded. It tastes like alcohol it ferments into sugar alcohol. It is rich in the most powerful kind of fibre it’s called resistant starch, it is a kind of prebiotic fibre that your gut bacteria love when you eat it. It improves your weight loss, and immune function your body makes more neurotransmitters and you just feel good. So do not eat old modelled bananas if it got spots or don’t have a green tip that’s not you, but get them when they have green tips.

Another interesting banana fact is bananas age each other it’s a really powerful process bananas release a gas called ethylene gas when they age each other. So if you get a whole bunch of green-tip bananas at home and you don’t want them to all turn like spotted all at once pull them apart out a little bit and allow them to like to stay good. You can eat bananas in post-workout smoothies or breakfast smoothies as there’s great for the fibre. It’s a good snack on the road you can even make a healthy dessert.


The fifth food is Seafood is powerful if it’s the right kind, the wrong kind of seafood is the kind of seafood that’s super high in mercury. If you eat the right kinds of healthy fish wild-caught salmon and sardines which are super low in mercury, they’re high in those omega-3 fatty acids that are so good for your heart and your brain help lubricate your skin and your joints help each of your cells work better. And this is so convenient I mean if you want to talk about a healthy convenient meal you don’t do any cooking you just grab sardines this could be like a grab-and-go lunch for you if you put mustard or hot sauce on this and have it.

Certainly, some wild salmon is a great dinner option, baking some wild Alaskan salmon and putting the asparagus in the oven at the same time drizzling some lemon on top of that sucker. And maybe you can have some carbohydrates like some quinoa or sweet potato which makes an amazing meal for health and weight loss and will keep you super full good for those Omega-3s. Eating fish is beneficial for your health as long as it’s the right kinds of fish  like salmon, sardines, shrimp as long as it’s wild and some scallops on occasion

Grass-fed Meat

The sixth on the list of healthy and nutritious food is meat. This is a food that is packed with tons of nutrients if you include meat in your diet it helps with weight loss it’s higher in antioxidants than vitamins and the different nutrients in the meat. So when you are eating meat your quality matters tremendously so grass-fed is good pasture-raised is even better.

Organic Blueberries

The seventh food on the list is blueberries which are rich in antioxidants and best for weight loss. These are loaded with special compounds called bioflavonoids it’s actually why they’re blue because these things are good for your cognitive Health. Blueberries help with memory they help with energy production but as it relates to this article about weight loss a recent study showed that people who ate one cup of blueberries every single day for two weeks had a higher fat burning during exercise. Because blueberries up-regulate some of our fat-burning genes let alone all the other benefits to your arteries your brain to your heart health. They’re filled with fibre vitamins minerals and they taste delicious. So many ways to get blueberries into your diet, wild blueberries are better.

Regular Blueberries are like the big juicy kind that you might find in a regular supermarket, if you can find wild blueberries they’re a lot smaller they have greater concentrations of these amazing bioflavonoids. What I do is I buy frozen wild blueberries that are organic I get them from Whole Foods and I put them into my smoothies you can also get them and drizzle them onto a salad. You can also do them with Greek yoghurt for a snack get more blueberries into your life you will be healthier. For it do not be tricked into bleeding just because these things have some sugar in their fruit that they’re bad for your health these things will help you have greater insulin sensitivity and blood sugar balance over the Long Haul when you eat these powerful foods like blueberries.

Nuts & Seeds

Number eight on this list is nuts and seeds, nuts are such an amazing food because they are super healthy for you they’re loaded with protein they’re loaded with healthy fats they’re loaded with fibre. You don’t need to necessarily like refrigerate these things so you can take them anywhere when you’re travelling like when you’re 3 P.M. And you’re at work, you’re starting to get hangry and you oftentimes either turn into a bad snack foods or don’t eat anything at all.

Nuts can be the saviour, you can have a portion of some pistachios and walnuts with an apple and boom you get tons of good nutrition. You’ll be full until dinner and it’s just like a natural good food so not surprisingly guess where I buy my nuts is not sponsored by them I just think they’re great you can go on and get organic raw nuts and they can ship them to you. And I just keep all these things in the freezer and what I’ve got in the habit of recently started to snack on pistachios because let’s be honest they’re delicious or at least I think so. I’ll throw some walnuts into a good shake I get their macadamia nuts which are a powerful nut and I’ve been making some more pesto lately. I got a little basil growing in the garden I picked that out and threw that in with some pine nuts olive oil and some salt and pepper it’s a really good pesto that I use in different scenarios.

So a couple of different nuts I want you to think about what nuts you’re going to incorporate. Now you certainly don’t have to have raw nuts I think they’re personally the healthiest you could have cooked nuts roasted nuts with salt of all different varieties. I would just watch and make sure that they’re not added with any kind of weird vegetable oils and stuff like that it’s just straight up the nuts. And oftentimes when you have a bunch of these nuts that are loaded with all these crazy spices. Blue Diamond is a brand that makes a lot of these almonds that are like Wasabi Blast Barbecue Smokehouse 9000 those things are not the ideal options because they have a bunch of preservatives sodium food colourings and stuff like that just gets regular.

Beans & Lentils

Nineth food is beans and lentils, beans have an amazing kind of soluble fibre, it is one of the most reliable foods possible for lowering your cholesterol and helping your gut bacteria give them this good fibre to work with loaded protein low in fat. and  I love to eat in organics they pressure cook their beans to get rid of some of the lectins in them which are some of the damaging compounds that people are worried about. And this is like just so good so what I do with beans and particularly black beans are like my go-to is I make chillies, get some tomato paste to get some crushed tomatoes to throw it in a pressure cooker with one of these big things of black beans, taco seasoning spices and you cook this sucker up. We have recipes inside our programs if you want all the specifics but a power chilli is great you can add beans to any kind of like bowl you make.

Beans could be a side dish on one of your dinners if you want to go with like a whole Mexican theme. And you do some of that grass-fed ground meat you have some beans on the side with a little bit of avocado mashed into guacamole lemons salt mashed that avocado come on now that’s a delicious meal with all these great foods.

So get these in I also want to do a shout-out to lentils as well not a food many of us eat but like lentils are super powerhouses. I have to make this Indian kind of doll lentils so I get mung beans and I put them on the counter on the stovetop in a pan with a little bit of water. I cook them until they get nice and soft and then I throw a little bit of grass-fed butter in there with the spices and the stuff. It’s really good so explore lentils and sometimes try to make a dinner that’s just using beans or lentils. It’s going to be good for you to mix it up and not just do the same old thing every time and there are a lot of great Indian recipes that have all these cores of lentils and peas. I recommend you check that out and let’s get into the final food on this.

Organic Salad Greens

We’re here for final food and the best weight loss food number 10 is organic salad greens. So you go to the grocery store today we have these pre-packaged triple-washed organic greens by these things. When I go I typically buy probably three to four to five of these every time I go because like this is your solution to getting more vegetables. You open this up take your hand like a crane stick it in pull out a glob drop it on your plate and then drizzle it with things like oh hemp seeds or some extra virgin olive oil, some salt pepper maybe some crushed red pepper flakes and some olives.

Make yourself a little salad that takes two seconds to make and the reason it’s so good is these give you a good of the kind of insoluble fibre. They’re filled with lots of different kinds of vitamins and minerals and you just get these organic sweet baby lettuces, I would caution you from crushing a bunch of organic baby spinach. You’re going to see more people these days talking about oxalates and different things in these foods that can maybe disrupt your GI tract. So I’m more of a fan of organic Romaine baby gem lettuce baby sweet lettuces and I make salads, my actual process is I take about half if not a full one of these if I want a huge salad for lunch I put a bunch of hemp seeds on top I put some Sprouts. So I buy broccoli and Sprouts organic throw those on there put a bunch of Olives, and some nutritional yeast on there. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil I may often make a dressing of my own with extra virgin olive oil and honey and some other things. If you have an idea make your salads so good you can top them with some hard-boiled eggs maybe with some protein on top and you have a delicious meal for weight loss.


So, these are the top 10 best foods that support your health, and weight management and improve your energy levels. These foods are not only rich in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and delicious but also impact your overall well-being, lifestyle and nutritional profile. We learned some things and what I want to bring together is you need to find your go-to healthy foods and I think some of these in lists are going to be some of your go-to healthy foods. And when you find those start to narrow your mind down to that you eat a smaller range of foods you eat these go-to healthy foods that you love. You buy and you start to experiment with them if you eat any of these foods on this list your health is going to improve. And when you can feel full and still satisfied you stick with a diet you’re going to lose more weight long term.

All these foods will help your blood sugar and are pretty much natural non-processed. I didn’t need to read the label to tell you what it was you saw that an avocado is an avocado a banana is a banana the grass-fed ground meat is ground, so these natural foods are going to be the key to you losing weight. A healthy diet which consists of all foods and additional activities like physical and meditation helps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

About author


I am a professional writer and blogger. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Webinar, Hybrid events technology, virtual events Platform, and the latest digital marketing trends.
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